Turbocharge your business with Google Ads.

Grow sales fast

If set up correctly, Google Ads can generate amazing results — and fast. It can be like a vending machine where you withdraw $2 for ever $1 that you invest. Unfortunately many businesses set up Google Ads and hope for the best and then complain that it doesn’t work for their industry or niche. Often businesses get caught up in impressions and clicks instead of what really matters — conversions. We take a conversion-first approach to optimise every dollar you spend to drive leads and sales. We make Google Ads work for you, not the other way around.

SEO and Google Ads are the perfect complement

Many question why they should be investing in Google Ads and SEO? The reality is that they complement each other. SEO is a long term investment with medium to long term results. Google Ads on the other hand can deliver almost instant results and can be like a tap that you can turn on and turn off when you like. Research also suggests that 64.6% of people click on Google Ads when they are looking to buy a product or service. In other words, when your customers have their wallets out they tend to click on paid Google Ads over organic search results. If you’re not there, you’re missing out on a lot of potential sales and your competitors will be forever grateful.

Grow sales fast

Our approach


Define your SMART goals

Have you dabbled in Google Ads previously? What is your initial focus — traffic or conversions — or a bit of both? We’ll workshop some goals to keep us focussed and on track.


Conduct buyer persona research

To develop a successful Google Ads strategy, we need to clearly define your target audience, also known as your buyer persona. What are they searching for? What device are they using? When and where do they search? What stage of the customer journey are you targeting? Do you have an offer or solution that solves their problem?


Keyword research

You don’t want to be paying for clicks for people that aren’t the right fit for your business. You want to attract people who need what you sell and can become leads, and later, customers. We’ll help you to identify which topics and related keywords make the most sense for your business. We’ll audit which keyword match types you’re currently using and we’ll find the sweet spot between impressions, competition and relevancy. We’ll come up with a strategy to stretch your budget and maximise results.


Audit your account structure, bidding and negative keywords

We’ll audit your existing account structure which is key to success. Keywords, ads and ad groups in each campaign should be tightly related. In turn, Google will reward you by lowering your advertising costs. We’ll also review your bidding structure, cost-per-click (CPC), quality score and negative keywords to ensure that you’re not wasting a cent.

Research your competition


Research your competition

What’s your competition doing with Google Ads? What keywords are they targeting? What do their ads look like? How much are they spending and how much traffic are they generating? These insights will help to inform your Google Ads strategy and provide an industry benchmark.


Write killer attention-grabbing ads

According to advertising guru, David Ogilvy, on the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar. This is especially the case when it comes to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Headlines are as close to a magic bullet as you’re going to get. We’ll help you to write strong headlines that sell.


Optimise your landing pages

A perfect account structure, bidding strategy, keywords and killer headlines are all wasted without an optimised landing page. This is where your sending your customers and it’s what you’re paying for. This may seem really obvious, but many businesses forget this and send all of the Google Ads straight to their home page. Landing page copywriting and design is key to conversions. It’s also key to a great Google quality score which drives down your costs. A win-win.


Implement conversion tracking and remarketing

Without conversion tracking properly set up, you’ll never know what’s working and what’s not. We’ll audit your conversion goals and ensure that everything is set up properly, including call tracking. We’ll also set up remarketing, which shows ads to customers who have already visited your site. Remarketing is a no brainer and helps to build brand awareness after your customers leave your site. It also happens to have really high click-through-rates and conversion rates.


Track, measure, learn, rinse and repeat

Being data-led in everything we do, we’re constantly tracking performance and adjusting to optimise results. There’s no set and forget with us. Using Google’s detailed reporting and analysis tools, we actively manage and monitor each campaign, ad group, ad and keyword.

Ready to rain down some leads?