Reach your customers on the world’s largest professional network.

Tap into the B2B gold mine that is LinkedIn

With more than 560 million professionals worldwide, LinkedIn is the go to platform to target decision makers, drive leads and website traffic. LinkedIn allows laser targeting of decision makers, influencers and future leaders — the exact people you need to be in front of to grow your business. With a range of advertising options, LinkedIn is an excellent tool to build brand awareness and drive super-qualified leads for your business.

Content marketing mecca

LinkedIn is unique in that professionals come to LinkedIn with a purpose, which includes consuming a range of professional content. LinkedIn is the home for industry news, insights, trends, research, recommendations and the ideal location for your latest eBook, white paper or video series. If you’re in the business to business (B2B) space, LinkedIn should be a focal point of your paid advertising marketing strategy. With access to job title, company name, seniority, location and industry data, we’ll ensure that you’re targeting the right professionals and not wasting a cent.

SMART goals

Our approach


Define your SMART goals

Why are you using LinkedIn? Is it to build brand awareness? Lead generation? Recruitment? To build authority? These overarching goals will inform your LinkedIn strategy and help drive results.


Conduct buyer persona research

To develop a successful LinkedIn Ads strategy, we need to clearly define your target audience, also known as your buyer persona. Who are they? What are they interested in? Where are they located? What’s their job title, industry and seniority? LinkedIn provides rich demographic data that enables you to be hyper-targeted with your advertising spend.


Research your competitors

What’s your competition doing with LinkedIn Ads? We’ll analyse the quality of their content, post frequency, content mix, followers and engagement on posts (likes, comments and shares).


Generate content ideas

We’ll work with you to brainstorm what type of content your buyer personas are interested in consuming on LinkedIn. Do you have any blog posts that could be repurposed into a SlideShare, eBook or video? What topics will build your authority in your niche or industry?

Campaign Manager


Audit your LinkedIn Company Page and Campaign Manager

We’ll audit your LinkedIn Company Page to ensure that you’re not missing any opportunities to build you brand. We’ll also review your Campaign Manager account to check that you’ve got your conversion tracking, pixels and integrations set up properly. Finally, we’ll assess your account structure, campaign groups, campaigns, ads and bidding to ensure that everything is optimised and ready to go.


Set up a mix of campaigns

To turn your network into paying customers, we’ll devise a lead generation strategy using LinkedIn Lead Ads split across different audiences. We’ll complement it with some Sponsored Content, Text Ads and Sponsored InMail depending on your business goals.


Track, measure, learn, rinse and repeat

Being data-led in everything we do, we’re constantly tracking performance and adjusting to optimise results. There’s no set and forget with us. Using LinkedIn’s campaign performance data, we actively manage and monitor each campaign group, campaign, ad, like, comment and share.

Ready to rain down some leads?